Stochastic source example¶
If you want to run the following example on your local machine, you are welcome to download the code here and run it (after having pip-installed the package).
Finally we demonstrate how the PECUZAL method deals with non-deterministic input data. Therefore, we create a simple AR(1)-process:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def ar_process(u0, alpha, p, N):
'''Generate `N`-sample data from an auto regressive process of order 1 with autocorrelation-parameter
`alpha` and amplitude `p` for an intial condition value `u0`.
x = np.zeros(N+10)
x[0] = u0
for i in range(1,N+10):
x[i] = alpha*x[i-1] + p*np.random.randn()
return x[10:]
u0 = .2
data = ar_process(u0, .9, .2, 2000)
plt.title('AR(1) process')

When we now call the PECUZAL algorithm pecuzal_embedding.pecuzal_embedding()
from pecuzal_embedding import pecuzal_embedding
Y_reconstruct, tau_vals, ts_vals, Ls, eps = pecuzal_embedding(data, econ = True)
we’ll get the following note in the console:
Algorithm stopped due to increasing L-values in the first embedding cycle.. Valid embedding NOT achieved.
The algorithm did not obtain any valid embedding, thus, it values the input data as a non-deterministic source.